TMA Targets

Please click on a link to download the target of your choice. If you are on a slow connection, please allow several minutes to download each target. Please be aware you must have Adobe Acrobat to read most of these forms. You can get Adobe Acrobat Reader Free at

Buffalo Style Target (25yd) BO-30.pdf
Buffalo Style Target (50yd) BO-40.pdf
Bear Style Target (25yd) BR-10.pdf
Bullseye Style Target (75yd) XX-1B.pdf
Silhouette Style Target BT-PR.pdf
Prairie Dog 5-Bull Target (25yd) PD-5B.pdf
Bear 5-Bull Target (25yd) BF-5B.pdf
Double Bullseye Style Target (50yd) DB-50.pdf
Alternate Bullseye Style Target (50yd) SB-PR.pdf
Mike Fink Target 1 (25yd) MF-TC.pdf
Mike Fink Target 2 (25yd) MF-TC2.pdf
Bullseye Style Target 2 (75yd) SB-75.pdf
Buffalo Bullseye Style Target (25yd) XB-1B.pdf
Chunk Gun Targets OT-LX.pdf
1776 Hand Target HandTarget1776.pdf
Damn Crows TMADamnCrows.pdf
Dumbell TMADumbell.pdf
Rondy TMARONDY.pdf
Many Choice TMAANYCHOICE.pdf
Turkey TMATurkey.pdf
Long String TMALongString.pdf
Half Bull TMAHalfBull.pdf
Corners 6 Shots Corners6shots.pdf
Quadrant 4 Shots Quadrant4shots.pdf

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